Apply and Schedule Your Consultation

How did you first come in contact with us?

Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?

Please tell us a little bit about yourself, so that we can better understand your situation

When it comes to addressing your relationship challenges, what’s your biggest frustration right now?

Help us get a sense of what's going on right now...

You mentioned that getting your needs met are an issue. Can you tell us more about that so that we can understand your situation better?

Balancing relationship give and take, versus giving in all the time, are really hard for most people. Which of the following phrases can you identify the most with?

Since sex and physical intimacy are important to you, can you tell us more about that so that we can understand your situation better?

Sex and physical intimacy is probably the #1 reason people initially approach us for answers. Which of the following phrases can you identify the most with?

You mentioned conflict management as being important. Can you tell us more about that so that we can understand your situation better?

About 80% of people approach us for help around conflict issues. Which of the following phrases can you identify the most with?

You mentioned that trust issues are important to you. Can you tell us more about that so that we can understand your situation better?

Breaks in trust are a major reason people initially approach us for solutions. Which of the following phrases can you identify the most with?

The relationship challenges you face at age 18 aren't the same as those you'll face at 68. To help us understand what you would most benefit from, which of the following best describes your age?

Can you tell me about yourself, and what's making you look for guidance at this time?

Thank you! Since we only have a limited number of spots available to work with new couples, what are you looking to achieve as we work together?

Again, please be as detailed and specific as possible. What’s your vision or dream here? What would you define “success” as?

And as I mentioned, spots are limited, only because there's only so much space available in the schedule. Why should we consider accepting you for one of those spots?

Tell us what makes your readiness for this work unique or apparent...

Working with us usually requires an investment of at least $2,000. Have you made the funds available to make this investment right now?

Not Finished Yet...

Last (And Most Important) Step!

Please Confirm Your Contact Information Below, And Then Select A Time For A Consultation Call On Our Calendar


Submit contact information below


On the next page, PICK OUT A TIME that works with your schedule.


We'll contact you almost immediately to confirm your time, and provide you with a Zoom link to your confidential consultation room (held by video).

(This page, and the following, are confidential and private.)

© 2007-2023 Gay Couples Institute - All Rights Reserved

Your information is 100% private, always.

© 2007-2025 Gay Couples Institute - All Rights Reserved

Apply and Schedule Your Consultation

How did you first come in contact with us?

Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?

Please tell us a little bit about yourself, so that we can better understand your situation

When it comes to addressing your relationship challenges, what’s your biggest frustration right now?

Help us get a sense of what's going on right now...

You mentioned that getting your needs met are an issue. Can you tell us more about that so that we can understand your situation better?

Balancing relationship give and take, versus giving in all the time, are really hard for most people. Which of the following phrases can you identify the most with?

Since sex and physical intimacy are important to you, can you tell us more about that so that we can understand your situation better?

Sex and physical intimacy is probably the #1 reason people initially approach us for answers. Which of the following phrases can you identify the most with?

You mentioned conflict management as being important. Can you tell us more about that so that we can understand your situation better?

About 80% of people approach us for help around conflict issues. Which of the following phrases can you identify the most with?

You mentioned that trust issues are important to you. Can you tell us more about that so that we can understand your situation better?

Breaks in trust are a major reason people initially approach us for solutions. Which of the following phrases can you identify the most with?

The relationship challenges you face at age 18 aren't the same as those you'll face at 68. To help us understand what you would most benefit from, which of the following best describes your age?

Can you tell me about yourself, and what's making you look for guidance at this time?

Thank you! Since we only have a limited number of spots available to work with new couples, what are you looking to achieve as we work together?

Again, please be as detailed and specific as possible. What’s your vision or dream here? What would you define “success” as?

And as I mentioned, spots are limited, only because there's only so much space available in the schedule. Why should we consider accepting you for one of those spots?

Tell us what makes your readiness for this work unique or apparent...

Working with us usually requires an investment of at least $2,000. Have you made the funds available to make this investment right now?

Not Finished Yet...

Last (And Most Important) Step!

Please Confirm Your Contact Information Below, And Then Select A Time For A Consultation Call On Our Calendar


Submit contact information below


On the next page, PICK OUT A TIME that works with your schedule.


We'll contact you almost immediately to confirm your time, and provide you with a Zoom link to your confidential consultation room (held by video).

(This page, and the following, are confidential and private.)

© 2007-2023 Gay Couples Institute - All Rights Reserved

Your information is 100% private, always.

© 2007-2025 Gay Couples Institute - All Rights Reserved